Tuesday, April 4, 2017

CAPSIM HELP - Do You Want to WIN at Capsim?

Capsim Capstone and Foundation are experiential business simulation learning tools. Their web site is located here

This is for those of you who need help with the Capsim Capstone simulation. I was introduced to it during my MBA studies. Unlike many others in the class, I really enjoyed playing and ended up in 1st place in the competition. I ended up teaching a Business Strategy and Competition course at the graduate level and decided to share much of my knowledge form not just playing, but from teaching.

First of all, there is no real way to cheat in this thing. However, I do offer "plug-and-play" decisions that will get you a decent score. 

But if you want to do really well, you need to understand the simulation. Because it is (usually) a competition between human teams, you can never know for certain what they will do. If you want to truly win, you have to understand how the simulation works, and understand how to execute strategies that will give you a competitive advantage over the other teams. Strategy is the key to winning.

Many students who are learning and competing in Capsim may have a little difficulty understanding how to go about it. No kidding, it's a lot to learn. I was thoroughly overwhelmed at the beginning and totally tanked the practice rounds. But those practice rounds were important. I learned a lot by trying different things, I put in lots of time and effort. 

The goal  here is to offer helpful advice and tips for you to do well in the Capsim simulation or offer suggestions on how to perform better.

I will discuss Capsim forecasting, finance, production, R&D, and eventually cover everything you will need to know to kick the competition into submission!

Thanks for visiting, and welcome!

To see all of the content I have provided, check the HELP PAGES entries.